I am proud to announce the kick off of the College Program’s ACT study group next Thursday at 5 pm at Cabrini Connections. We are fortunate to have a volunteer willing to lead the ACT study group and serve as our on-site math/science/reading/writing guru for juniors interested in getting additional tutoring and practice for the ACT. If you are a tutor at Cabrini Connections and your student is interested in prepping for the ACT (regardless of their grade), please encourage them to come to the Thursday ACT study group sessions. The group is tentatively scheduled to meet for six weeks (from March 19th to April 23rd).
Midwestern colleges and universities prefer evaluating students’ ACT scores as a part of their admissions process in the (West coast and East coast schools prefer the SAT), but we hope that students will gain skills from working with the group that will help them in all standardized testing they will encounter in the next few years. We also hope that the group will learn how to study in teams and encourage each other to keep studying for the big test.
Thanks to the generous support of Cabrini Connections, the College Zone has two ACT test prep books full of sample exams and study tips at our students’ disposal. Additionally, do not forget to search for the various practice exams and study skills available for free online. I recommend the ACT’s official website for students seeking knowledge about the test and practice materials (www.act.org).
Whether or not you are a tutor/mentor at Cabrini Connections, remember to reinforce the importance of ACT or SAT test prep to your student’s college prep process. If you feel you cannot provide your student adequate support in preparing for the test, form a group with other students and tutors to support and motivate your student and bridge the resource gap. If you volunteer through a community organization, reach out to other volunteers (preferably a math whiz and someone lexically inclined) to pool together your talent and get your students ready to do their best on test day.
Honoring Dr. ML King, Jr
21 hours ago
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