If you have been inspired by Obama's call to service like so many others and are in the health care field: check out the Tutor/Mentor Hospital Connection to see how you can make a difference.
If you or anyone you know is a student, professor, employee or is otherwise affiliated with a College or University, check our our model for a University Tutor/Mentor Connection
K-12 students should check out this article here to see how they can play their part in creating a more just world
How about faith communities? We have hashed out a plan to help concerned individuals mobilize their church, mosque or temple to help at-risk youth succeed!
Are you a lawyer or know a lawyer? Check out our Lawyers Lend a Hand campaign and see how you can join other members of the legal community who are connecting with at-risk kids all over the city and broadening their horizons.
Or perhaps you find yourself among the ranks of the unemployed, retired or otherwise have some extra time on your hands... perhaps you might be interested in starting a tutor/mentor program? If so, check out this collection of essays and how-to guides about what it takes to start AND SUSTAIN a volunteer tutor/mentor program. The information in these essays draws from decades of tutoring/mentoring experience culled from the members of the Tutor/Mentor Connection as well as Cabrini Connections Founder and CEO Dan Bassill's personal experience. In either case, it's worth checking out.
Hopefully you'll find one of these links worthwhile and find a way to get involved and use your particular talents to make a difference!
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