Yesterday, I got in touch with a man by the name of Youssou Diatta who is a Senegalese drummer. He is really excited to share his love of drumming and knowledge of Wolof culture with the kids beginning this fall. The particular style of drumming that he will be teaching is known as Sabar. If you're interested, here's a good video on youtube where you can learn about Sabar, see some of the amazing dances and listen to the rhythms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTDC7hJEqT4&feature=related
I'm still trying to find a couple more dedicated volunteers who have some knowledge of African dance to help teach the dancing side of things, so if you or anyone you know might be interested in volunteering a couple hours every week down at Chicago and Halsted engaging these youth with music and dance and other aspects of African culture, please let me know!
The continuous presence of a dynamic african drum and dance club should be a great opportunity to get more kids involved with the program and perhaps introduce some of them to new forms of artistic expression or spark an interest in learning a bit more about their cultural heritage. At the very least this should provide a positive outlet for for kids once every week. As a drummer, I can vouch for the cathartic power of whacking drums at maximum volume for an hour or so (which is probably what Sabar drumming appears to be at first glance!) Additionally, I'm hoping that the kids will be dedicated enough to eventually put together a show, or at least a couple dances, that we can use as an outreach tool. We could even eventually have the tech club, art club and writing club collaborate with us on a big event that brings together the whole community! If you can't already tell, I'm really excited to be involved with this and hope that I am currently planting the seeds for something that will grow to be an active and sustainable club with committed students and volunteers. What exact shape it will end up taking is anybody's guess, but I promise I'll keep you informed.

Be benen yoon!